Image via worldofstock.com
The beginning of the work week is about as fun as dental work, but my super savvy friend Dana L. is back with some deals to ease any case of the Mondays and save you money to boot. Behold the power and breadth of her wisdom:
"I usually open my mailbox to an avalanche of bills and miscellaneous junk that cascades out and blows away (I'm inclined to let it go, honestly). But free samples give me something to look forward to. They're a bright sparkly light in my otherwise blah mail experience. Here are a few nice free things you can get online right now with a minimum of effort. Remember, do not give them real email! Rather, create a spam email address and use that in all cases where you think someone or some company might persistently email you. I prefer gmail and, with no irony lost, my address is: 'dana.crap.i.wont.read@gmail.com.'
Anyway, away we go:
Free Crest Advanced Seal White Strip (this is their newest, the best they've got)
Free Little Total Cranberry Crunch Cereal (pretty tasty)
Free Betty Crocker Warm Delights Mini Dessert (it's a dessert for one that you can microwave. They're $3 or $4 in the supermarket and the sample they sent me was Molten Chocolate Cake... fantastic.)
Free Quaker Rice Cakes (for when you've had too much of the above...)
Sephora. They usually offer a free sample or two with every in-store purchase, but the truth is that they dump a whole bunch of them into the box when you order online from their website. And shipping is free if you enter SHIP35 at checkout (I think you have to spend $35... not too hard to do at Sephora--ha!). You get to pick the 3 samples you want and they put multiples of each sample into the box. I suspect it's an operations problem at their warehouse... [ED: Says Dana, the engineering goddess. I wish I knew math and stuff.]
As a result of this, I have enough Smashbox eyeshadow base and Stila tinted moisturizer to take me into retirement. I'll be wearing this stuff when I play bridge with the other blue-hairs at the home. Also, right now, order anything and enter PHL31 at checkout and they'll give you a five-piece Philosophy sample (very generously sized!) that's perfect for airplane travel.
This is also not a mailbox one, but this Friday you can get a free Italian Ice at Rita's Water Ice to celebrate the first day of spring. Rita's hasn't made it's way into NYC yet but it's all over elsewhere."
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