Image via oprah.com
Heh. I just realized that the headline on this post seems to indicate that it would be affordable to eat Oprah. I assure you it would not be affordable, nor would it be a good idea. Bitch will cut you. Into little pieces. And then eat you on national television while housewives everywhere cheer her on. And then you'll wind up the main ingredient in some Junior League cookbook somewhere, under the recipe title: "Stupid Ass Who Stepped to Oprah Souffle, with Caramel Sauce." Trust me, you do NOT want to go there.
Anyway, where was I? Oh right: Oprah had Cat "Tin Chef" Cora, Curtis "I have an accent, therefore I am" Stone, and Tyler "The Ultimate DB" Florence on the show today, in an effort to teach American families how to cook cheaper, more nutritious meals.
I have to admit, I didn't really watch any of it, as I was too busy mourning the death of my sometime employer, while curled up on the couch and staring off into the bleak nothingness that is my professional future. (Happy Effing Wednesday, kids.) But I am always in favor of cheap meals, and you can check out the recipes here.
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