While this post has nothing to do with living on the cheap, it has everything to do with living a better life. Brace yourself, for what I'm about to reveal is going to be life-altering to the extent that it may cause you too look back on the past few decades and have you shaking your fist in anger. After that, you may actually cry tears of relief. Here goes:
Did you know that there, on the side of your Saran and Reynolds Wrap boxes, is a little tab that locks the roll in place? I'll bet you 23,094,820,983 phony bucks that you didn't. Because, seriously: who looks at the side?
A friend posted this link on facebook and, after reading the news, I'm pretty sure I'll never be the same again.
How many times have you tried to pull of a sheet of saran wrap only to have it go kerplunk on the floor, rendering it somewhat dusty and you fully frustrated? I've done that so many times now that I approach the rolls with total trepidation. Plastic and aluminum foil companies (oh yeah, even the generic brands seem to have the tab) should put flashing lights on the sides of their packages to alert you to this feature. Can you imagine all the aggravation this would have saved had we known about this? We'd all be better, happier, nicer people. It's amazing.
Anyway, spread the word.
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