I just read an interesting article (in Marie Claire, no less) on Freegans, radical environmentalists who dedicate themselves to living off those things that the rest of us throw away. And yes, that includes food. From the article:
"Freegans, like 24-year-old Leia MonDragon, a buxom Latina with a taste for heavy eye makeup, feast on those castoffs. 'It's amazing what you can find and the good condition it's in,' she exclaims, holding aloft a week's worth of produce, including watermelon, summer squash, kale, tomatoes, onions, and bananas. Though technically past their prime, they look pristine. MonDragon also scored half gallons of soy milk and lemonade, both unopened and still chilled, and bagels that only an hour earlier were for sale. 'I once found 200 one-pound bags of organic fair-trade coffee beans just dumped outside a store with the trash,' she brags, like a woman combing the racks at a Gucci clearance sale."
The author goes on to list other Freegan finds, upbraiding us non-Freegans for being so wasteful in our day-to-day lives. It's all pretty interesting stuff, though I don't think I'm quite ready to go dumpster diving for my food and clothing. Instead, I think I'll try my hand at making the things that I do have go farther, so as to waste less. It's a small step, but the excess turkey from my too-fat deli sandwich is in the fridge now, ready to be incorporated into tomorrow's lunch. I know, I know: congratulatory ticker tape parade to follow.
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