According to this article from the NYTimes, butchers can be more than slicers and dicers of protein--they can also be lifesavers:
"During the Great Depression, David Ruhalter, a butcher, would regularly send more than 20 pounds of ground beef to the camp community at Houston and Essex.
...The younger Mr. Ruhalter, who heard the story about the family business's generosity while growing up, is continuing the tradition by giving away free steak dinners to the unemployed. As he told The Daily News, he was moved to do so by a woman who burst into tears in his tore when her credit card was rejected over a $7 purchase of meat for beef stew."
Mr. Ruhalter has put together two dinners thus far--one of which is happening tonight at the Rivington Hotel--and has plans for more.
According to The Daily News, people interested in a free steak dinner should bring an unemployment check or documentation showing that their homes are facing foreclosure to Ruhalter's shop at 120 Essex Street.
According to me, any meat eater with money to spend ought to do so at Ruhalter's shop. Red proteins may not be the heart-healthiest gnosh, but in this instance, I think they might do your ticker some good.
P.S. Thanks to my friend Nina W. for the tip on this. Be on the lookout for some actual posts by N-dubs in the very near future!
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