The NYTimes had a great piece today on "staycations" -- breaks from work in which people opt to stay home rather than jet off to someplace they can ill afford.
I have to admit: the concept appeals. But life as a freelancer is pretty much a staycation--especially now that I have approximately, uh, ZERO work to do on account of magazines dying at the awesome rate of about 309842098420983402984 per second. Watching Law & Order every day is only fun for so long, is what I'm saying. And I'm not convinced that were I on a staycation that I would ever feel like I wasn't just wasting time at home--which is how I feel nearly every day these days.
Of course, perhaps the presence of my live-in boyfriend would change all that. I can picture us drinking wine at lunch, picking up cheese in the afternoon at the new creamery down the street, maybe even popping into a museum or seeing a show. But I can also just as easily picture us on the couch staring at our television, feeling like we were just wasting time. (We both have blackberries, and so in the latter scenario, I also can see us working... not exactly the point of a break.)
Jezebel asked their readers if they've ever had a successful staycation and, since I haven't had an original idea since college, I'm asking the same: Have any of you ever done it and felt like you actually pulled it off? The boyfriend's vacation is in August and my wallet isn't getting any fatter...
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