Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Ever wonder what, exactly, those cuts of meat are in your supermarket bargain bins? Or how to cook them? The New York Times has answers. Check out the article here.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Closet Confidential: Designers, slumming it.
The ladies at have a great roundup detailing what designers are doing lower-cost lines for larger discount stores this spring. Check out the article here.

While this post has nothing to do with living on the cheap, it has everything to do with living a better life. Brace yourself, for what I'm about to reveal is going to be life-altering to the extent that it may cause you too look back on the past few decades and have you shaking your fist in anger. After that, you may actually cry tears of relief. Here goes:
Did you know that there, on the side of your Saran and Reynolds Wrap boxes, is a little tab that locks the roll in place? I'll bet you 23,094,820,983 phony bucks that you didn't. Because, seriously: who looks at the side?
A friend posted this link on facebook and, after reading the news, I'm pretty sure I'll never be the same again.
How many times have you tried to pull of a sheet of saran wrap only to have it go kerplunk on the floor, rendering it somewhat dusty and you fully frustrated? I've done that so many times now that I approach the rolls with total trepidation. Plastic and aluminum foil companies (oh yeah, even the generic brands seem to have the tab) should put flashing lights on the sides of their packages to alert you to this feature. Can you imagine all the aggravation this would have saved had we known about this? We'd all be better, happier, nicer people. It's amazing.
Anyway, spread the word.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Does This Trend Have Staying Power?

The NYTimes had a great piece today on "staycations" -- breaks from work in which people opt to stay home rather than jet off to someplace they can ill afford.
I have to admit: the concept appeals. But life as a freelancer is pretty much a staycation--especially now that I have approximately, uh, ZERO work to do on account of magazines dying at the awesome rate of about 309842098420983402984 per second. Watching Law & Order every day is only fun for so long, is what I'm saying. And I'm not convinced that were I on a staycation that I would ever feel like I wasn't just wasting time at home--which is how I feel nearly every day these days.
Of course, perhaps the presence of my live-in boyfriend would change all that. I can picture us drinking wine at lunch, picking up cheese in the afternoon at the new creamery down the street, maybe even popping into a museum or seeing a show. But I can also just as easily picture us on the couch staring at our television, feeling like we were just wasting time. (We both have blackberries, and so in the latter scenario, I also can see us working... not exactly the point of a break.)
Jezebel asked their readers if they've ever had a successful staycation and, since I haven't had an original idea since college, I'm asking the same: Have any of you ever done it and felt like you actually pulled it off? The boyfriend's vacation is in August and my wallet isn't getting any fatter...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Now through April 26th, Bloomingdale's is offering 20% off to their friends and family. Online shoppers should use promo code SPRINGFF. For some reason, I can't figure out how to post the coupon for in-store shoppers, so leave me your email in the comments section if you'd like me to forward it to you.
FYI, the discount code is good for their wedding registry too. If, like me, you have a bajillion weddings coming up this summer, now might be a good time to take care of all your gifts...

In honor of Earth Day, Oprah has partnered with some ecologically sound retailers to give you some economically sound deals. These offers are only good for a limited time, so act fast!
Earth Day,
Eco and Econo Friendly,
Happy Earth Day!

After a week of vacation, I'm back. Back to this shiteous weather, back to paying for my meals (Hi Mom and Dad! I MISS YOU), and back to parking my increasingly fat patootie on the couch to watch she-of-the-also-round-buttox, Oprah.
Today's show was all about Earth Day, and Oprah had a lot of great recommendations for going green and saving some cash. Here are some of her best and most NYC-applicable:
1. Buy LCD flood lights. While they cost $40, they last 10 years and will save you up to $740 during that time.
2. LCD TV's are more energy efficient than their Plasma counterparts. Also, as in most things, smaller saves more energy.
3. Go meatless one day a week. Having a "meatless Monday" every week will save you cash, and is the equivalent of removing 20 million mid-size sedans from the road.
4. Gardening is the single greenest thing you can do (and, though Oprah says that it's not so easy to garden in NYC, I'd like to point out that I have beets growing on my rooftop right now) and a $60 investment will save you nearly $200 in fresh produce.
5. Finally, for all you home owners: If you make a green improvement to your home before the end of 2009, you may be eligible for a $1500 tax credit.
Check out for more green ideas.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009

Fantastic news: The Food Emporium is now giving its customers a break for bringing in their own shopping bags--and for forgoing the plastic ones the store provides. For every bag you bring and use, they knock off $.02. It's not a lot, but maybe just enough to get shoppers to go the eco--and econonically--friendly route.
Get Your Propers

To celebrate their recent website relaunch, Boston Proper is offering $10 off online purchases of $50 or more, now through April 19th. Just enter 29FAN41 at checkout.
Bob's Your Uncle, Part 2

This note just landed in my inbox:
"Spring is here and it's time for a new look!
We would like to inform you about a special opportunity to receive a free Razor Bob with Bb. U Model Project. For those who have never attended a Model Call, this is the perfect time to get a fun and flirty new look. For our existing clients, this is a unique opportunity to change your current style.
We hope that you will join us for an exclusive Model Call event on Monday, April 20th from 12:30pm to 1:30pm on the 6th floor of the House of Bumble [located at 415 w. 13th Street]. You will receive a consultation with a Bb. educator to ensure that your hair is appropriate for a Razor bob or a different featured style, if more suitable.
If you meet the requirements for a Razor Bob, you will receive an appointment for an upcoming session.
.... Please RSVP as soon as possible to:"
Sunday, April 12, 2009

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Two, Cheap is expanding it's drug store coverage. Please note, in most cases sale prices are only good with the store in question's reward card. Sign up for yours today!
Campbell's Chunky Soups, 2 for $4
Kellogg's Cereals, 2 for $4
Folger's Classic Roast (11.3 oz.), $2.99
Select 12-packs of Pepsi, 3 for $11 + get one Diet Pepsi 12-pack Free!
Advil Tablets, Caplets, or Gel Caplets, $7.99
$2 off Lucky, Vanity Fair, Glamour, Teen Vogue, and Vogue Magazines
Cheerios, 2 for $7
Mott's Applesauce (24 oz), $.99
Rite Aid Standard Light bulbs 4-Pack, $.99
Aquafresh Toothpaste (6.4 oz), $.99
Snapple (16 oz bottles), $.99
GE Extra Soft White Light bulbs 4-pack, $.99
Sun Maid Raisins 6-pack, $.99
Aleve Liqui-gels, $11.99
Bounty Paper Towels 8-pack, $7.99
Tide To Go Stain Remover, $2.49
Select Ziplock Baggies, $1.99
12-packs of Coca-Cola or Dr. Pepper products, 3 for $12
Skippy Peanut Butter, buy 1 get 1 free
Select Lysol Products, buy 1 get 1 free
Ajax Dish Detergent, $.89 (with circular coupon)
Advil Liqui-gels, $4 off (with circular coupon)
Duane Reade,
Rite Aid,
Friday, April 10, 2009
Hello Brooklyn, How Ya' Doin'?

This, from the NY Daily News:
"Many of the Brooklyn restaurants that got a taste of good business during Dine in Brooklyn in the past few weeks are back for seconds. Ninety-nine of the 200 restaurants that offered $23 three-course dinners, lunches and brunches are extending the sweet offer through April 30.
...The extension will only be in effect Monday through Thursday, the days restaurants need the most help attracting customers..."
Still interested? Click here for participating eateries.
Budget Beauty Booty

Somehow I missed this article from the New York Times, that not only chronicled the fact that more women are turning to drugstores for their makeup purchases but also went the extra mile and had a professional makeup artist outline her top drugstore picks. Some of her recommendations?
..."CoverGirl AquaSmooth Compact Foundation for $9.79 ('the best liquid coverage in a compact liquid/powder format,' Ms. Orcutt said); CoverGirl Cheekers Blush for $4.39 ('It has a bit of sparkle in it, it's not just flat color'); L'Oreal Voluminous Mascara for $7.50 ('Makeup artists who trained me eight years ago said that it was the best, and I still think it is'), L'Oreal Le Grand Kohl Eyeliner Pencil in Black Sable for $8.49 ('This is a fantastic dark rich brown that works for everyone') and Revlon ColorStay 12 Hour Eye Shadow Quad for $6.99 ('This is the only drugstore eye shadow I like')."
The rest of the article is jam-packed with other recommendations and information--all of which indicates that getting pretty doesn't have to cost a pretty penny. My question: when is not wearing makeup and forgoing haircuts/colors going to be an acceptable response to the recession? Because, um, that's sort of been my MO for the last...since I was born and I'm in need of some affirmation (/cash so I can deal with myself). But, I digress: the article is great and definitely worth checking out.
Today Only: Free Shipping from

Enter APRNM in the promotion code box, get your NM stuff shipped to you for free. And, while you are on the site, you can enter to win a $2,500 Women's Vince Shopping Spree!!
Food Emporium Friday

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My taxes are done and my family is back in Florida, all of which means that it's time for another round of Food Emporium Friday--this time, actually on a Friday. Wheeee!!! As always, these deals are only good with your Food Emporium Rewards Card (it's free, it takes approximately 15 seconds to get, why you haven't signed up for one yet is beyond me....). And, as always, these are just some of the deals that appealed to me. Check out the savings for yourself here.
Behold, the sales for the week of 4/10-4/16:
Organic Valley Lactose Free Milk, $2.89 (save $2!)
Driscoll's Strawberries or Blackberries, $2.99
32 oz. Gatorade Drinks, 4 for $4
Fresh Perdue Oven Stuffer Chicken, $.99/lb (save $1.30/lb!)
28 oz. Hunts Canned Tomatoes or Tomato Sauce, 2 for $1.99
Coca-Cola 12-packs, 3 for $12
Sam Adams 6-pack, $7.99
Dawn Dish Detergent, 2 for $6
Brianna's Salad Dressing, $2.99 (save almost $2!)
Asian Gourmet Rice Crackers, $1.29
America's Choice Sandwich Bags, 2 for $4
Thursday, April 9, 2009

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Cheap and awesome entertainment: 90210, the original, is now online and watchable for free. Here's a link to the pilot which, in case you forgot, ROOLZ (radical circa-90s teenage spelling fully and totally intended). Here are some things to look forward to, in no particular order: Mom jeans. Mullets. Polka dot vests. Keds. Gratuitous make out scenes. AND THAT'S ONLY IN THE FIRST TEN MINUTES. I cannot recommend watching this enough. It's magical.
Makes Me Wanna Ralph

More Friends and Family deals, this time from Ralph Lauren:
In Stores and Online
March 31-April 14, 2009
Enter code RLSP2009 at checkout when shopping online.
SHARE THIS CODE with your friends and family so they can enjoy these special savings.
Receive 30% off at Ralph Lauren, RRL, Polo Ralph Lauren Factor and Rugby stores in the US, and online at and March 31 through April 14, 2009. Not valid at department, specialty stores or the Ralph Lauren store in Sacramento. Does not apply to previously purchased merchandise and may not be combined with other offers. Shipping & tax are subject to additional charges. Out of stock items cannot be purchased with this discount.
With the exception of Factory Stores, this offer cannot be applied to women's Collection apparel or men's Purple Label apparel. Cannot be applied to Gift Cards & Online Gift Certificates, fragrances, antiques, vintage apparel & accessories, alligator handbags and luggage, special order programs (Home, tailored clothing and accessories), TOMS shoes, FEED bags, Match Rugby shirts and A Peace Treaty scarves. In Factory Stores, this offer is valid in locations in the US and Puerto Rico only. FSC code 2600.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Saks Friends and Family

It's that time of year again: time for friends and family discounts! Either print out the picture above or go to and enter the code SFAFAM2 at checkout--you'll get up to 25% off your purchase (only 20% off if you're buying jewelry, and 15% if you're picking up cosmetics). Offer is only valid April 16th-19th, so start perusing now and plan ahead!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
7 Days of Discounted Dining

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Thanks again to Nina W. for putting us onto yet another hot tip: The Tasting Table has rounded up its favorite discounted meal deals and put them into a handy, printable calendar. Nina's and my favorite? The $8.50 Wednesday special at Cabrito, which includes a can of PBR and any taco of your choosing. (We're classy gals, clearly.)
Great Success

I wasn't kidding when I said I love drugs(tores). Went to the D.R. today and picked up some basics--you know, Irish Spring, Cetaphil, Charmin super soft, super strong TP--all on sale. And, bonus: I got $5 back. If Duane Reade was a man, I would marry him and bear him 2309482039483984 kids. God, I love that place.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Cheap + Chic

For Nina W.'s first "Cheap + Chic" column, she decided to mine a source close to home: her cousin, Addie. Take it away, Nina!
WHO: Adelaide Wainwright, Literary Agency Assistant
STYLE PROFILE: Vintage maven with a practical streak
WRITES NINA: My cousin, Addie, has had amazing personal style longer than she's had a personal bank account. And she's always done it on a tight budget, so even though the stock market is looking all washed up right now, her wardrobe isn't. Here's what she had to say about cheap chic dressing:
AW: Scour your mother's--and your grandmother's--closets. Try to look past retro shapes and see how they might work on your body. Cinching belts can do wonders. And, fortunately, near-vintage looks are de rigueur right now. And learn some sewing skills!
NW: What about eBay?
AW: If I shop on eBay it's when I have something very specific in mind, like espadrilles or huaraches. Shoes on eBay, actually, are a boon. Shoes are such an easy way to make a statement and I feel like it's difficult to find anything really special in stores without spending a ton of money.
That really goes for anything: I know that for this spring/summer I wanted to buy a pair of chunky platform sandals (check), an African print cutout bathing suit, and a pair of sophisticated shorts. Beyond those, I'll surely buy some simple T-shirts (Uniqlo is a wonder for those: well made and very cheap) and other minor incidentals.
NW: What's your best shopping advice?
AW: I won't buy anything serious on a whim. It's a practical way of building a wardrobe: if you concentrate on really beautiful pieces, be they $3 vintage dresses or $250 bathing suits, and take care of them, you'll be in great shape in the long run.
Desperately Seeking Style

Fact: I have zero personal style. When I want to look nice, I'm reduced to either shelling out money I do not have on frocks I cannot afford (the reasoning being that if it's expensive, it's gotta look good) or to copying outfits that my infinitely more put together little sister has worn. Neither course of action is savings savvy, and neither gives me an idea of how to craft my own, individual look.
For fun, Nina W. and I decided to start writing about people we know whose style we admire not just for the look of it, but also for its wallet-friendliness. Nina's first column will follow this post.
Hopefully this'll give some of us style-starved penny-pinchers a few hints. God knows we could use them...
Extras: Read All About 'Em

It seems that some New Yorkers are beating the drudgery of unemployment by immersing themselves in film and television--literally. According to The New York Times:
"Managers at casting agencies around New York said they were seeing increasing numbers of people...who have little experience in, or aspirations for, acting, but are filling hours they used to spend at office jobs with gigs as extra, also called background, talent."
I have a friend who does this as her job, though she has a SAG card and gets paid better than nonunion types would. According to her, extra work often involves really long hours on set, but if you've got nothing else to do: why not. Who knows, you might even wind up, like one subject of the Times article, sitting next to Angelina Jolie:
"I'm not one to get staru-struck, but it was a bit surreal," Mr. Calabretta said.
"When I saw Jolie, my first thought was, 'Well, she's definitely not ugly.'"

This just in from the New York Daily News:
"Drugstore operator Walgreen will offer free clinic visits to the unemployed and uninsured for the rest of the year, providing tests and routine treatment for minor ailments through its walk-in clinics..."
Read more about the program here.

Cetaphil Lotion, Cleanser, or Cream, $9.99
Dove Soap 2-packs, 2 for $6
Vitamin Water, 5 for $5
Pepsi 12-packs, 2 for $4
Crest Toothpaste, $3.99
Irish Spring 8-pack, $5.99 + 100 bonus points!
John Frieda Root-Awakening Shampoo or Conditioner, 2 for $9.99
Charmin 4-packs Big or Ultra Roll Toilet Paper, 2 for $6 + 50 bonus points
Lysol Sanitizing Wipes, 2 for $6
Kellogg's cereal, 2 for $6
Food Emporium Friday (Belated Edition)

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It's time for another round of Food Emporium Friday--once again on a Monday, on account of my family having been in town for the weekend (Hi Mom, Dad, and T! I miss you already). Apologies for my tardiness. The usual disclaimer about these deals only being valid with your Food Emporium Rewards Card applies.
On sale this week:
Bumble Bee 15 oz cans of Chunk White Tuna, $1.15 (that's 1/2 off!)
Driscoll's Golden Raspberries or Blackberries, 2 for $7
Gold Medal Flour, 1/2 price!
Jif Peanut Butter, $2.49 (save $1.50 each!)
Bounty Giant 8-Roll Packs of Paper Towels, $11.99
Shady Brook Farms Ground Turkey, $4.99
Boursin Cheese Spreads, $2.99 (that's 1/2 off!)
Maille Mustard, $2.59
Ciao Bella Gelato or Sorbet, 2 for $7
College Inn Broths, $.99
Stella 6-packs, $8.99
Dannon Light Yogurt, 5 for $4
Organic Valley Eggs, $2.99
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Introducing...Nina W.!
Readers (all two of you. Hi Mom! Hi Dad!), meet Nina. Nina, meet the readers. Like me, Nina has plenty of time on her hands and plenty of thoughts on ways to live on the cheap. She'll be chiming in now and then on everything from inexpensive but chic style to grocery store discounts to dives that serve cheap beer.
Everyone welcome her and play nice. Or I'll cut you.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Meat Cute

According to this article from the NYTimes, butchers can be more than slicers and dicers of protein--they can also be lifesavers:
"During the Great Depression, David Ruhalter, a butcher, would regularly send more than 20 pounds of ground beef to the camp community at Houston and Essex.
...The younger Mr. Ruhalter, who heard the story about the family business's generosity while growing up, is continuing the tradition by giving away free steak dinners to the unemployed. As he told The Daily News, he was moved to do so by a woman who burst into tears in his tore when her credit card was rejected over a $7 purchase of meat for beef stew."
Mr. Ruhalter has put together two dinners thus far--one of which is happening tonight at the Rivington Hotel--and has plans for more.
According to The Daily News, people interested in a free steak dinner should bring an unemployment check or documentation showing that their homes are facing foreclosure to Ruhalter's shop at 120 Essex Street.
According to me, any meat eater with money to spend ought to do so at Ruhalter's shop. Red proteins may not be the heart-healthiest gnosh, but in this instance, I think they might do your ticker some good.
P.S. Thanks to my friend Nina W. for the tip on this. Be on the lookout for some actual posts by N-dubs in the very near future!
Garbage Pail Kids

I just read an interesting article (in Marie Claire, no less) on Freegans, radical environmentalists who dedicate themselves to living off those things that the rest of us throw away. And yes, that includes food. From the article:
"Freegans, like 24-year-old Leia MonDragon, a buxom Latina with a taste for heavy eye makeup, feast on those castoffs. 'It's amazing what you can find and the good condition it's in,' she exclaims, holding aloft a week's worth of produce, including watermelon, summer squash, kale, tomatoes, onions, and bananas. Though technically past their prime, they look pristine. MonDragon also scored half gallons of soy milk and lemonade, both unopened and still chilled, and bagels that only an hour earlier were for sale. 'I once found 200 one-pound bags of organic fair-trade coffee beans just dumped outside a store with the trash,' she brags, like a woman combing the racks at a Gucci clearance sale."
The author goes on to list other Freegan finds, upbraiding us non-Freegans for being so wasteful in our day-to-day lives. It's all pretty interesting stuff, though I don't think I'm quite ready to go dumpster diving for my food and clothing. Instead, I think I'll try my hand at making the things that I do have go farther, so as to waste less. It's a small step, but the excess turkey from my too-fat deli sandwich is in the fridge now, ready to be incorporated into tomorrow's lunch. I know, I know: congratulatory ticker tape parade to follow.
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